Behind the Name
MN Nice represents our commitment to preserving and enhancing our beautiful MN Flora Heritage and Natural Landscapes. Minnesota offers great communities, people and natural landscapes. From amazing vibrant native plant selections to intriguing topography, stone and natural waterways, we honor our people and land in every aspect of our business.
Our Story
MN Nice Gardens and Landscapes is the creation and vision of its founder Corey Anhalt who believes each project and client is unique. Therefore we design and create eloquent landscapes to properly represent & reflect the specific vision & needs of each client. Our competitive advantage lies within our exclusivity to each project. We exercise our vast knowledge of refined products and installation practices to add beautiful features and functional accents to your homes exterior which expressively enhance not only your property but lifestyle. We are a proud Farmington, MN based business and serve the surrounding area including Farmington, Rosemount, Lakeville, Apple Valley, Burnsville, Northfield, Edina and South Minneapolis.

Our Mission
1. To design the highest quality, long term landscape solutions, while operating on behalf of the best interest of our partners/customers in terms of value.
2. To maintain as strong economic situation that results in business growth, profitability among shareholders and parties of interest, provide desirable and prosperous career opportunities for our employees.
3. To keep sustainability along with ecological conservation and enhancement on the forefront of all business decisions, actions, and solution products.