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Drainage Solutions

Improperly designed drain systems can be a costly mistake. Make sure you choose a Landscaping Company who specializes in drainage solutions to best protect your foundation, site, and investment.

Landscaping Drainage Landscaper Landscaping Company

Connecting sump pump discharge hoses and gutter downspouts to corrugated piping redirects the flow of water underground and discharges excess water a safe distance from your foundation. Drain Tile systems are fully customized to match specific site needs and can be integrated to any number of exterior drainage solutions. Drain tile is efficient and results in a professional look and added waterproofing protection for your foundation. 

Drain Tile

Drain Tile systems are fully customized to match specific site needs and can be integrated to any number of exterior Drainage Solutions.

Drain Tile
Landscaper Drainage Landscaping Drainage French Drain Landscaping Company

French Drains

With this type of storm water management system, natural channels of water flow which become saturation and collection points, are intercepted and allowed to drain as well as flow efficiently. The result is a drier site, more usable space, and healthier/greener lawns. Water moves through a layer of filter fabric, a sub-layer of drainage rock, into a perforated pipe which then flows away from the area to a discharge point. 

Proper installation including accessible clean-out points ensure a long lasting system and should only be installed by professionals who are up-to-date on local building codes.

Proper installation including accessible clean-out points ensure a long lasting system and should only be installed by professionals who are up-to-date on local building codes.

French Drains
Landscaping Dry Well Drywell Landscaping Company Landscaping Drainage

Dry Wells

In some situations an area of the property may not accommodate positive flow and water collected and trapped. If regrading the area is not a possibility a "Dry-Well" may be installed. This is a water leaching system which allows higher volumes of water and storm water runoff to percolate into the earth. There are a number of appropriate ways to achieve this technique all include excavating a water collection cavity and using filter fabric as well as drainage rock or collection unit to hold water until it can leach into the earth.

Dry Well

Check Out This Short Video on Flow-Well Drainage Systems

Rain Gardens

Rain Gardens

Rain Gardens are similar to dry well or water leaching systems in the respect they are designed to intercept, hold and leach water back into the ground. They are an ecologically responsible way to mitigate storm water runoff on site instead of displacing it further down the line. In this storm water management system water is directed either naturally or by one of the systems mentioned above, to a garden built into a slight depression (Typically either 9"-12" deep). Deep rooted plants are incorporated to allow water to not only be taken up but percolate more freely into the earth. Contaminants are also filtered at this time resulting in cleaner water to reenter the ground.  

Rain Gardens are a beautiful and environmentally sound no-brainer solution to storm water mitigation. Here's why!

Landscaping Raingarden Rain Garden Natural Landscaping Native Plants
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